Egyptian man Addicted to drink (tea)!!
Filed under: Health Author:Did not drink the water twenty years ago and only drinking tea and only Aicherb any other drink?
What the story?
Shaker tea attend Cuba tea
Shaker says Barakat, a young Egyptian 25-year-old story started (Dalla'ny) children, when I insisted I am in the fifth that never drink tea out of the hands of my father was laughing and sharing with me every cup of tea drinking, and my father was drinking more than 12 cups of tea per day, and after a few months I insisted on drinking cups of tea to complete my mother was forced to prepare Cuba whenever I prepared for my parents, sometimes you ask Cuba of tea and scream and cry unless prepared, before the age of six, was the first attempt to ignite the burner to prepare a cup of tea, No Deuteronomy (suspended) and my mother of this work, and succeeded in igniting the second time in the hearth and prepare the first cup of tea for myself, before I show my father, who was so proud and take food for laughter and speaks at meetings family, and my mother was forced to let you do whatever it wants, Farah This victory, and this show and I was preparing my cup of tea every five minutes and was almost lose appetite for food and am already weak, punishable family Menem on tea and I was forced to eat despite the nose so I drank Turkish tea, and I have not discovered this early age I did not drink the water Finally, did not heed one of the family so that was erected 16 years old (cramps) and renal physician frequently advised to drink the water here and I am not aware of the water I drank, and when I tried to hit turnover, nausea and could not did not feel thirst at all, because I drink cups of tea Every five minutes seems that civil caliber of liquids.
I bring with me constantly (Lupin) filled with tea, and when completed go to the nearest cafe or kitchen to re-fill.
Q: What is the position of teachers in school and university?
Everyone knew (Shaker tea), I was famous tea addict, no reality in a clash with the one due to this habit, sometimes even spare the other, and sometimes some people making fun of me, but I apologize for all angry, not from anyone.
* Are there encountering problems because of this habit?
Yes. . In fact always very embarrassing positions especially when I should be the means of transportation, on a train or a car or succession, creating a nuisance severe Oceans me, and also is usually (disabled) where the preparation of tea takes me a long time, and time severed from the practical and arrested some interests and tasks imposed on To prepare tea, as well as embarrassment when I speak with one of my superiors at work and stopped talking to accept while Cuba tea deals.
* You knew loves acting and participate in some regional plays Will debtors enter the theater carrying a cup of tea or lupine, the facilities you?
This is what pains me the most, because I be in the state of imbalance, such as hungry or thirsty, but I resist such as fasting to be knocked out of the theater quickly to address a number of cups of tea (one sentence) and return to work, but I am delighted and look for roles that can touch the Tea at the scene or during the substantive work.
Q: But doctors, particularly specialists say that the large bone tea affect bone weakness after a period of time?
I am not saying this, God willing, nothing will happen, I'm addicted tea twenty years ago, is not suffering from any symptoms, contrary I am always active and alert mind, the only problem is that Naomi Light, Naomi concern, and sometimes hit the sleep disorder.
* Why not try to cure this situation?
Why: I did not doubt of one thing, very happy, I can not GIVE UP this addictive habit, which they call despite qualify this term, because it does not agree with the cases.
* How would you diagnose your case? Or what to call them?
Laughed, and thought, then said: (tea addict)!!
We left (Shaker tea) also called his friends and turned to Dr. Hazem Swedish professor of bone and showing him the status of Shaker.
Said: Hallelujah the beginning, above all with the flag, ability and destiny of God cult above all expectations of mankind, for that I'm not talking about my expectations of what can happen to this young man, he estimated it may be something else, but as modern science emphasize that the cause of osteoporosis President of iron deficiency, known to drink tea after eating directly makes it absorbs iron from food in the stomach, this could be infected human bone fragility result of this bad habit They drink tea after eating directly.
In general, the types of harmful stimulants receptacles body, and can in some cases lead to hardening of the arteries. As well as anxiety and tension and emotion because of sleep disorders caused by the large number of tea.
Interestingly, the readings Shaker culture and also stopped at the tea and his news in the world, and places of planting and how to harvest, and the most luxurious types of tea in the world, etc. .. It is now preparing to travel to China to attend a tea festival to be held in the city Hanvchu According Shaker tea, which went on to give information about this festival, saying: In this festival tea offerings are provided in Mount (Jingshan), and this is usually an old Chinese, was based By ancient Chinese to visit the tea crop and also for marketing.
In the end, we advised Shaker tea advice says that I advise you of all people, but it did not work out .. They drink green tea because more than black green reduces cardiac crisis and resist tooth decay and increases the efficiency of the immune system ..
And especially by me advice As a woman, says Shaker, the Japanese women regularly drink green tea because it preserves the freshness of skin and bone support and protection .. As well as to address the proliferation of green tea normally does not become addictive, such as black or because the rate of K in green tea third quantity in the black.
We have come, he went to thank him because if Shakir left him talking about tea may talk for long hours without interruption or fatigue.
And the creation of God.
What the story?
Shaker tea attend Cuba tea
Shaker says Barakat, a young Egyptian 25-year-old story started (Dalla'ny) children, when I insisted I am in the fifth that never drink tea out of the hands of my father was laughing and sharing with me every cup of tea drinking, and my father was drinking more than 12 cups of tea per day, and after a few months I insisted on drinking cups of tea to complete my mother was forced to prepare Cuba whenever I prepared for my parents, sometimes you ask Cuba of tea and scream and cry unless prepared, before the age of six, was the first attempt to ignite the burner to prepare a cup of tea, No Deuteronomy (suspended) and my mother of this work, and succeeded in igniting the second time in the hearth and prepare the first cup of tea for myself, before I show my father, who was so proud and take food for laughter and speaks at meetings family, and my mother was forced to let you do whatever it wants, Farah This victory, and this show and I was preparing my cup of tea every five minutes and was almost lose appetite for food and am already weak, punishable family Menem on tea and I was forced to eat despite the nose so I drank Turkish tea, and I have not discovered this early age I did not drink the water Finally, did not heed one of the family so that was erected 16 years old (cramps) and renal physician frequently advised to drink the water here and I am not aware of the water I drank, and when I tried to hit turnover, nausea and could not did not feel thirst at all, because I drink cups of tea Every five minutes seems that civil caliber of liquids.
Asked him.. How able to obtain the glass every five minutes and you are in school for example, or in work after graduation?
I bring with me constantly (Lupin) filled with tea, and when completed go to the nearest cafe or kitchen to re-fill.
Q: What is the position of teachers in school and university?
Everyone knew (Shaker tea), I was famous tea addict, no reality in a clash with the one due to this habit, sometimes even spare the other, and sometimes some people making fun of me, but I apologize for all angry, not from anyone.
* Are there encountering problems because of this habit?
Yes. . In fact always very embarrassing positions especially when I should be the means of transportation, on a train or a car or succession, creating a nuisance severe Oceans me, and also is usually (disabled) where the preparation of tea takes me a long time, and time severed from the practical and arrested some interests and tasks imposed on To prepare tea, as well as embarrassment when I speak with one of my superiors at work and stopped talking to accept while Cuba tea deals.
* You knew loves acting and participate in some regional plays Will debtors enter the theater carrying a cup of tea or lupine, the facilities you?
This is what pains me the most, because I be in the state of imbalance, such as hungry or thirsty, but I resist such as fasting to be knocked out of the theater quickly to address a number of cups of tea (one sentence) and return to work, but I am delighted and look for roles that can touch the Tea at the scene or during the substantive work.
Q: But doctors, particularly specialists say that the large bone tea affect bone weakness after a period of time?
I am not saying this, God willing, nothing will happen, I'm addicted tea twenty years ago, is not suffering from any symptoms, contrary I am always active and alert mind, the only problem is that Naomi Light, Naomi concern, and sometimes hit the sleep disorder.
* Why not try to cure this situation?
Why: I did not doubt of one thing, very happy, I can not GIVE UP this addictive habit, which they call despite qualify this term, because it does not agree with the cases.
* How would you diagnose your case? Or what to call them?
Laughed, and thought, then said: (tea addict)!!
We left (Shaker tea) also called his friends and turned to Dr. Hazem Swedish professor of bone and showing him the status of Shaker.
Said: Hallelujah the beginning, above all with the flag, ability and destiny of God cult above all expectations of mankind, for that I'm not talking about my expectations of what can happen to this young man, he estimated it may be something else, but as modern science emphasize that the cause of osteoporosis President of iron deficiency, known to drink tea after eating directly makes it absorbs iron from food in the stomach, this could be infected human bone fragility result of this bad habit They drink tea after eating directly.
In general, the types of harmful stimulants receptacles body, and can in some cases lead to hardening of the arteries. As well as anxiety and tension and emotion because of sleep disorders caused by the large number of tea.
Interestingly, the readings Shaker culture and also stopped at the tea and his news in the world, and places of planting and how to harvest, and the most luxurious types of tea in the world, etc. .. It is now preparing to travel to China to attend a tea festival to be held in the city Hanvchu According Shaker tea, which went on to give information about this festival, saying: In this festival tea offerings are provided in Mount (Jingshan), and this is usually an old Chinese, was based By ancient Chinese to visit the tea crop and also for marketing.
In the end, we advised Shaker tea advice says that I advise you of all people, but it did not work out .. They drink green tea because more than black green reduces cardiac crisis and resist tooth decay and increases the efficiency of the immune system ..
And especially by me advice As a woman, says Shaker, the Japanese women regularly drink green tea because it preserves the freshness of skin and bone support and protection .. As well as to address the proliferation of green tea normally does not become addictive, such as black or because the rate of K in green tea third quantity in the black.
We have come, he went to thank him because if Shakir left him talking about tea may talk for long hours without interruption or fatigue.
And the creation of God.

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