Being avid auto enthusiasts, we often get pulled aside and asked, "So what do you drive?" It's flattering to think of our own rides as endorsements, but to date I haven't found many willing to follow my lead and plop down a few grand on a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero (it was a desperation purchase). Today's RR of the Day, a 1991 Acura NSX, is the dream car of one Detroit area auto designer, who highly recommends picking one up if you have the means.
Though largely stock save for a custom exhaust, this NSX is a pristine example of Honda's everyday exotic. The owner, who goes by the Flickr handleblodi, found it in Texas with only 29,000 miles and drove it back to Detroit over three days. He plans to swap out the wheels, work on the suspension and add a forced induction setup to fix what is considered by many to be the car's only flaw: its lack of power. Still, the NSX remains one of the most balanced automobiles ever built, and such a fine example deserves recognition. And hey, if it's good enough for a designer...
f you'd like to see your own ride featured here, simply upload photos of your ride into our Flickr group. We select one image to highlight each week day, and on the weekend let you vote for the RR of the Week. Detailed instructions can be found after the jump.

Instructions for submitting to Autoblog's RR of the Day:
Create a Flickr account if you don't already have one. Search for and join the group called 'Autoblog RR of the Day'. Upload up to three photos of your ride to your own account at a size no larger than 450 pixels wide if possible and include as much information about it and yourself as possible. Even if your ride is sweet,it will not be chosen if there's not a lot of info accompanying it. Click on each photo and just above the picture it will say "Send to group". Click that and select the Autoblog group. You're done, that's it!
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